Tactical Casualty Care courses teach EMS practitioners and other prehospital providers how to respond to and care for patients in civilian, law-enforcement, and military tactical environments. Each course presents evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care in the field.
TECC, 2nd Edition

NAEMT’s Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course teaches EMS practitioners and other prehospital providers how to respond to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment. The course presents the 3 phases of tactical care and integrates parallel EMS nomenclature:
• Hot zone/direct threat care that is rendered while under attack or in adverse conditions
• Warm zone/indirect threat care that is rendered while the threat has been suppressed but may resurface at any point
• Cold zone/evacuation care that is rendered while the casualty is being evacuated from the incident site
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) is created by the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency, Joint Trauma System to teach evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best trauma care on the battlefield. The medical science upon which TCCC is based is published in NAEMT’s PHTLS Military textbook; the military chapters are written by members of the Joint Trauma System Committee on TCCC.
Two types of TCCC courses are offered:
1. TCCC-MP (TCCC for Medical Personnel) is a 2-day classroom course for military medical personnel including medics, corpsmen, and pararescue personnel deploying in support of combat operations.
2. TCCC-AC (TCCC for All Combatants) is a 1-day classroom course for non-medical military personnel and includes first responder skills appropriate for soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.
The TCCC course offered by NAEMT is the only TCCC course endorsed by the Joint Trauma System and the American College of Surgeons. NAEMT’s TCCC courses are accredited by CAPCE and recognized by NREMT. Upon successful completion, students receive a certificate of completion and a wallet card recognizing them as a TCCC provider for 3 years.